
Vrh Dinare - 1603 m

Nzlokalizowany w Górach Dynarskich, w paśmie Dinara (Vrh Dinare jest symbolem tego masywu, leżącego pomiędzy Chorwacją, a Bośnią i Hercegowiną).


Vrh Dinara

Last updated: none


5 hours

Starting point


Nearest airport

Split Airport

Trail difficulty


Mountain hut on the way to the peak


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Vrh Dinara is the highest peak in Croatia, rising 1831 m above sea level. The trail does not have very steep sections, but it can be demanding due to its length. Be sure to prepare accordingly and bring enough water and food.


During the summer, the temperature on Vrh Dinara is moderate, ranging from 15-25°C during the day. With good weather, the trail is clear, well-marked, and easy to navigate, even for less experienced hikers. Be aware of local thunderstorms that can surprise any hiker.

In winter, the temperature on Vrh Dinara drops significantly. The trail is covered with a layer of snow. The trail may be more difficult to find, and the weather conditions are often unpredictable. In winter, it is advisable to bring appropriate gear such as crampons or an ice axe.

How to get there?

The best way to get to Croatia is by plane, landing at the nearest airport in Split. From there, you can rent a car or use local transportation to get to the town of Glavas, which is the starting point of the trail to Vrh Dinara.

Starting point

The starting point of the trail is in the town of Glavas, where you can leave your car in a small parking lot by the road. From there, head north, where a well-marked trail awaits.

Route to the summit

The trail to Vrh Dinara is well-marked, and the terrain is mostly gentle. It takes an estimated 5 hours to reach the summit from the starting point. No additional climbing gear is required. This means that the trail is accessible to a wide range of hikers, including families with children.


There are no mountain huts on the route to the summit of Vrh Dinara. Therefore, it is advisable to book accommodation in Glavas or nearby towns.

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