
Monte Bianco di Courmayeur - 4748 m n.p.m.

The peak is located in the Mont Blanc Massif, in the Mont Blanc mountain range. It is situated in northwestern Italy, in the Aosta Valley region, on the border with France, southeast of Mont Blanc. The peaks are separated by the highest pass in Europe - Col Major (4,730 m above sea level).

source: wikipedia.org

Monte Bianco di Courmayeur

Last updated: none


10-12 hours

Starting point

Val Veny

Nearest airport

Turin-Caselle Airport (TRN)

Trail difficulty


Mountain hut on the way to the peak

Rifugio Torino

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Monte Bianco di Courmayeur is a unique peak in Italy. It is part of the Mont Blanc massif, which reaches up to 4,765 m above sea level. Climbing this peak is demanding, and the trail leads through steep slopes with glaciers, snow, and in some places, rocky terrain. It requires climbing experience, and it is advisable to be prepared for changing weather conditions.


During the summer, conditions are most favourable. Temperatures during the day range from 5-10°C. However, one should remember that weather in the mountains can change quickly, and glaciers, snow, and wind can make climbing difficult.

In winter, the trail is much more demanding, with temperatures dropping below -10°C. Additional difficulty can be caused by snowfall. Due to harsh weather conditions, winter climbing is only recommended for very experienced climbers.

How to get there

The nearest airport is Turin-Caselle Airport (TRN). After landing in Turin, one can travel to the town of Courmayeur, the nearest town on the trail. One can rent a car or take a bus. From Courmayeur, one must reach Val Veny, where the trail's starting point is located.

Starting point

The starting point of the trail is in Val Veny, where one can park a car in the parking lot. Then, follow the marked path leading towards Rifugio Torino.

Route to the peak

The climbing date to the summit of Monte Bianco di Courmayeur depends on weather conditions and climbing experience. The trail leads through diverse terrain, including glaciers, steep snowy sections, and rocky terrain. The trail is well marked, but in some places, additional climbing equipment is required. Climbing to the summit takes about 10-12 hours, depending on the pace and conditions.


On the way to the summit, there is Rifugio Torino mountain hut, which offers accommodation and meals for climbers. The hut is an excellent starting point for further climbing to the summit of Monte Bianco di Courmayeur, as well as a place to rest and gain strength before the next stage of the climb. It is recommended to book accommodation in the hut in advance to avoid availability problems.

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