
Dealul Bălăneşti - 428 m

The peak is located in the Central Moldavian Plateau, in western Moldova, near the border with Romania. It is the highest peak in Moldova.


Dealul Bălănești

Last updated: none


2-3 hours

Starting point


Nearest airport

Chisinau International Airport (KIV)

Trail difficulty


Mountain hut on the way to the peak


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Dealul Bălănești is the highest peak in Moldova, reaching a height of 430 m above sea level. It is not a demanding ascent and does not require any special climbing skills. The trail is gentle and uncomplicated, making it suitable for people of all ages, including children.


In the summer, the temperature on the trail varies from 20°C to 30°C. The conditions are pleasant, and the trail is dry. There is a small chance of rain, but it is worth bringing a light rain jacket just in case.

In winter, the temperature on the trail can drop below 0°C, and the amount of snow can range from a few centimetres to half a metre. In winter, it is worth equipping yourself with appropriate clothing and footwear, as well as trekking poles.

How to get there?

The nearest airport is in Chisinau. From the airport, you can go to the capital by bus, taxi or rented car. Then drive to Duruitoarea by car (about 120 km) or take a bus (with transfers).


The trailhead is located in the village of Duruitoarea. You can park your car in one of the public parking lots and head towards the marked trail.

Trail to the summit

The trail is well marked and leads through hilly terrain, with slight ascents and descents. It takes about 2-3 hours from the starting point to the summit. There is no need to use any additional climbing equipment.


There are no mountain huts on the trail, but there are various accommodation options in the vicinity of Duruitoarea, such as guesthouses, private lodgings or camping sites. It is worth booking accommodation before setting out on the trail.

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