
Galdhøpiggen - 2469 m

The highest peak in Norway, the Scandinavian Mountains and the Scandinavian Peninsula. The mountain is located near the town of Lom in Jotunheimen National Park in the Jotunheimen Mountains. The summit is part of the Crown of Europe.


Vatican Hill

Last updated: none


1 hour

Starting point

St. Peter's Square

Nearest airport

Rome-Fiumicino Airport (FCO)

Trail difficulty


Mountain hut on the way to the peak


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Galdhøpiggen is the highest mountain in Norway and Scandinavia, reaching a height of 2469 metres above sea level. Climbing Galdhøpiggen does not require specialized climbing equipment, but the path is steep and rocky in places. It is recommended to have experience in mountain hiking and good physical fitness.


In summer, temperatures on Galdhøpiggen range from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. Conditions are usually good, although fog and rain may also occur. It is recommended to bring clothing for different weather conditions, including warm clothing, a rain jacket, and a hat.

In winter, conditions on Galdhøpiggen are much more challenging, with a lot of snow and low temperatures reaching as low as -20 degrees Celsius. Climbing in winter is only possible with appropriate equipment and experience in winter mountaineering.

How to get there?

The best way to get to Norway is by flying to Oslo Gardermoen Airport (OSL). From there, you can rent a car or use public transportation to get to Lom. Then, you should head to Juvasshytta, where the trailhead is located.

Trail start

The trailhead for Galdhøpiggen is located at the Juvasshytta mountain lodge. There is a parking lot in the area where you can leave your car for free during the climb.

Route to the summit

The trail to Galdhøpiggen is well-marked. It leads through steep and rocky terrain, as well as the Styggebreen glacier. Due to the glacier crossing, it is recommended to have crampons and an ice axe, as well as a guide who can help you safely cross the glacier. The estimated time to reach the summit is 5-7 hours.


There is no mountain hut on the trail, but you can stay at Juvasshytta before or after the climb. Juvasshytta offers accommodation and meals for climbers, as well as the possibility of renting climbing equipment if needed.

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